
Nikita Nikita Nikita Nikita


Age: 26
Height: 172cm
Weight: 52 kg
Bust: Small
Dress Size: 6

Hourly Rates:

  • R1,800
  • R2,800




    Sweet Escape from the Ordinary
    My desire for sincere connection and endless passion knows no bounds. Perhaps we can help each other out with this craving. I love the rush, the excitement and the uninhibited moments of pure bliss from every encounter. All that matters in my world is you. I’m like a good story that leave you wanting more, leave you wondering, but don’t tell you everything :) Personally, I live for the moments that you can’t put into words. I genuinely cherish those. Additionally, I’m a great conversationalist and a good listener who will give you my undivided attention and much more. I can’t wait to show you a good time. You deserve it.

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